In response to Jesus' ministry of healing the sick, the early Church anointed its sick and later brought this action to be a Sacrament. This sacrament is for the aging, the seriously ill and the dying.
This Sacrament, administered by a priest, is to blend the healing of the body and the spirit. It is meant to be a source of strength and healing, a special moment of grace. Done within the context of the Parish Community, it is the community caring for its sick and the sick persons uniting their pain to the mystery of Jesus' redemptive suffering within the Body of Christ.
The Sacrament is celebrated communally at St. Joseph's twice a year generally held during Advent and Lent. Times and dates will be posted in the bulletin. The Sacrament is also celebrated at church around Mass times, surrounded by friends and family, and in homes or care facilities if the sick person is not able to come to church.
If there is an immediate need for the Anointing of the Sick sacrament, individual anointing can be arranged at any time upon request by contacting the Parish Office or contacting our pastor. If it is after regular office hours, you will be instructed to leave a message on the emergency line.