We are blessed to introduce the 2024 Confirmation Class of St. Joseph's Catholic Community. These youth have spent the past two years attending faith formation meetings every Sunday, attending retreats and meeting with their confirmation sponsors as they prepared and received the Sacrament of Confirmation. These confirmation candidates have now become more perfectly initiated into the Church and enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.
On Monday, May 2, 2024, fourteen candidates from our parish were Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation at Saint Mary's Basilica in Minneapolis. It was a beautiful liturgy with an excellent homily and wonderfully inspiring and uplifting music.
Thank you to the candidates, their sponsors and parents, the musicians, the vocalists, Confirmation Ministry Lead Larry Thomas, Father Michael and Bishop Joseph Williams
for a moving and prayerful Sacramental experience.
Confirmation preparation is a two-year program for high school students, generally beginning in 9th grade. Those desiring to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are asked to attend On the Rock, our high school youth ministry program, for two years as a way to grow in their discipleship before receiving the sacrament.
Youth also attend a weekend retreat and a four-week course offered in the spring of their second year that focuses specifically on Confirmation.
We encourage participation in parish service events as well.
Supporting documents can be found in the Documents section.
To be confirmed, the confirmand and one guardian must be a registered member of our church or have written permission from your church to receive the sacrament at
St. Joseph Catholic Community.
Adults who have been baptized and would like to be confirmed typically meet with an Order of Christian Initiation of adults (OCIA) team member. A date is set with the pastor when the candidate is ready to be confirmed.
Grade 9
NET Retreat: Tuesday, April 15, 2024 5 pm - 9 pm at the Parish Center. Boxed dinners will be served. The Liability/ Registration Form is required only if you are not registered and/or completed these forms for ON THE ROCK..
NOTE: If you stopped attending the meetings or decided that you were not going to be a participant in Faith Formation during the school year, that is OK. You can pick up the preparation for confirmation again next year and be confirmed in Grade 11. If this applies to you, you do not need to attend the Candidate and Sponsor meeting or the NET Retreat.
Grade 10
Confirmation Retreat: Saturday, February 8 through Sunday February 9, 2025, Camp Friendship, Annandale, MN. See details below. Complete registration and waiver in Links and Document sections.
Rite of Entrance/Welcome Mass:
Sunday, February 18, 10am Mass, Parish Center.
Confirmation Specific Classes: Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2025 from
7pm - 8:30pm, Parish Center
Rite of Sending Mass / Confirmation Dinner:
Sunday, May 4, 2025, 10am Mass / 6pm PM Dinner, Parish Center.
Sacrament of Confirmation:
Thursday, May 8, 2025, 7pm (arrive at 6:15pm) at Basilica of Saint Mary, Minneapolis.
Each Grade 9 and 10 confirmand is required to completed 10 Mass Notes each year. Attending and taking notes during Mass will engage the youth to learn and better appreciate their faith. Link to notes is in the LINKS section or use the QR below and complete the form.
2025 SJCC Grade 10 Confirmation Retreat
February 8 and 9, 2025
Parents Join Us on Sunday for 1 PM Mass!
Camp Friendship, Annandale - Pray for Us!
See Links section for registration when available.
For generations, people have gone on spiritual retreats to encounter God and experience spiritual renewal. Retreats remove us from noise and distraction, and into a place of spiritual refreshing and renewing. It is a way of entering into the presence of God, and allowing him to nourish our soul.
Science explains that participating in a spiritual retreat actually stimulates positive neurons in the brain. Retreat participants feel more positive and experience an improved sense of self-worth, compassion, self-understand, and acceptance after their experience.
PARTICIPANTS Please Pack the Following Items:
• Sleeping Bag and Pillow
• Towel and Hygiene Items
• Outdoor Winter Apparel (Jacket, Hat, Mittens, Boots, Scarf, etc.)
• Change of Clothes
• Sleepwear and Slippers (Highly Recommended)
• Good Attitude
• Bible
• An 8"x10" Picture Frame With a GLASS Insert
• No Electronic Devices that May Cause Distractions