St. Joseph sponsors Cross Services' KidPack program in buying food
for packing events. St. Joseph's KidPack volunteers pack and serve nutritional meals and snacks to children in nearby elementary schools throughout the school year.
Each school year, KidPack makes a huge difference to students at Sonnesyn Elementary and Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion School (RSIS).
Annually, we campaign for funds to support this humane cause, as well recruit volunteers who pack and deliver meals. Please sign up on the SJCC Kid Pack Flocknote to get invites for upcoming events.
2024 - 2025 Financial Goal: $17,000
Volunteers: 10 each week
Due to our incredible group of donors, packers and delivery teams, 125+ students will receive a free meal each week throughout the school year (30 weeks). Each bag of nutritional items costs approximately $3.50 each. Each contribution of $135 will fund supplies and meals for one child throughout the school year.
Please prayerfully consider joining this effort by donating or volunteering to help assemble and/or deliver the KidPacks.
For more information, see below. You can "Donate Online," or place cash in a marked "KidPack" envelope, or make checks payable to St. Joseph and drop them off or mail them to the Parish Office (Attn: KidPack). Thank you!
What is KidPack? KidPack is a community program sponsored by local churches and non-profit food organizations who supply and pack food for local school children in need. At St. Joseph’s, we have ~40 volunteers that pack meals and 4 volunteers that deliver them to Sonnesyn and Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion Elementary Schools. St. Joseph's serves ~115 children per week over the entire school year (over 4000 delivered last year) with a double delivery just prior to Christmas and Spring breaks to tide the kids over. We also deliver ~400 meals to the children during the summer program.
St. Joseph's is proud to be a founding and sustaining member of KidPack.
Why is KidPack important to our children/community? For many children a school breakfast or lunch is their only nutritional meal of the day. During the weekend many are faced with either non-nutritious food or simply go hungry. According to Hunger Solutions, “One in five area households with children are food insecure. Children in those households simply do not get enough to eat—they have to cut the size of their meals, skip meals, or even go whole days without food at some point during the school year. Over 40% of the people served at food shelves are children. Hungry children face unnecessary barriers as they strive to become healthy, productive and engaged members of society. Hunger contributes to poor academic performance and disruptive behavior in the classroom.
Missed meals also increase tardiness and visits to the school nurse.”
What is the cost of a weekend KidPack? The cost of the pack varies, depending upon partnerships and donations. The cost for an individual KidPack is $3.25. Cost is paid for by the community partner. Sponsorships are always welcome!
How can I volunteer? Volunteers are needed to assemble and deliver the KidPacks. Please complete the KidPack Sponsorship document or contact the KidPack Coordinator to become part of this ministry. You can also join the St. Joseph - Flocknote - KidPack group to be notified of events.
What food is included in the KidPack? Contents vary, but the following is a sample of a typical KidPack meal: Mac & cheese, breakfast cereal, oatmeal, juice box, non-pork meat stick, cheese stick, fruit bar and some snacks, etc. depending on availability.
How are parents notified about KidPack? When schools decide to participate in KidPack, a letter from the principal is sent home to all families. Letters from the principal include instructions on how to opt in or opt out of the KidPack program, as well as instructions for notifying the school of food allergies or other input parents may wish to share. Some schools have built KidPack into their school theme or goals. Ideally this letter would go out toward the beginning of the school year (September/October) but it can go out at any point in the school year.
How are the KidPacks assembled and delivered? Each school works closely with their community partners to identify and customize the best fit for the community partner and the school needs. This starts with a meeting and tour of the school with the principal and social worker. They and the community partner then create a game plan and timeline as to how best deliver the Kidpacks to the students and when. Three options are currently used for delivery: placing them outside the classroom in a box where all kids can take one; placing them in individual lockers; and distributing it to each student in a central school location. In the end the KidPacks are delivered by the time the students go home on Friday afternoons for the weekend.
Are there KidPacks available when the students are not in school during the summer months? This varies from year to year based on the summer school activities schedule. Those students attending summer school may have the option, at no cost, to receive a KidPack.
Are district funds used to plan, purchase, assemble or pay for any portion of Kid Packs? No school district funds are utilized for KidPack. KidPack is dependent upon community donations, grants and fund-raising initiatives.
How are volunteers connected to the district’s community volunteer program? Volunteers In Partnership (VIP) works with our faith-based partners to welcome them and to find the best approach to link KidPack volunteers with VIP in ways that are mutually beneficial.