SYMBOLS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - Each day, we celebrate the Holy Spirit and all that He does for us. We look at the different symbols and forms of the Holy Spirit which are shown in the Bible. These symbols are taken directly from the Catechism, and we’ll include excerpts each week. If you’d like to read more, you can find the section of Catechism we’re using here:
“While water signifies birth and the fruitfulness of life given in the Holy Spirit, fire symbolizes the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit's actions.” Wow, what a powerful quote! We often think of the tongues of fire settling atop the disciples, but the Holy Spirit as Fire is found in multiple areas of the Bible including when the prophet Elijah calls down fire on Mount Carmel. What’s your favorite instance of the Holy Spirit appearing as fire?
“In the theophanies of the Old Testament, the cloud, now obscure, now luminous, reveals the living and saving God, while veiling the transcendence of his glory…” We often think of the Transfiguration or the clouds parting on the day of Jesus’s baptism, but the Holy Spirit appears in this way at other points in the Bible, like Mount Sinai with Moses and Solomon and the Temple. Do you have a favorite story of when the Holy Spirit appears in this way?
“Even more pointedly, it is by the Apostles' imposition of hands that the Holy Spirit is given.” We see the symbolism of hands frequently in the Bible and throughout the images in the Church. We often hear that we are the hands and feet of Christ, so this is a great way to think about the Holy Spirit because He resides within us, and, like the disciples of Jesus, we are called to bring His Word to the world. Is there a time you felt the Holy Spirit working through you as the hands of Christ?
“Christian iconography traditionally uses a dove to suggest the Spirit.” The dove is probably the most well known symbol of the Holy Spirit. We see the dove at the end of the Flood when an olive branch is given to Noah and, of course, when Jesus is baptized. A dove, even outside of religion, is often associated with peace. What a powerful symbol that it transcends religion and secularism! Is there a time where this symbol of the Holy Spirit has impacted you?