St. Joseph Catholic Community Leadership along with the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis continue the discernment, strategies and implementation of the valuable feedback received from thousands of local participants during Synod 2022-2026.
Archbishop Hebda released his first pastoral letter in November 2022 containing a renewed vision that will guide our archdiocese into a strong future. Here from Archbishop Hebda, read the pastoral letter and find out more about the Synod 2022 process:
Supported by Fr. Michael and parish director, Dean Rademacher, "twelve" parishioners and staff from St. Joseph's completed a seven-week School of Discipleship program from the Archbishop Flynn Catechetical Institute at the Saint Paul Seminary, February 7 to March 21, 2023. They learned how to become activated disciples and how to implement Archbishop Hebda’s Pastoral Letter, entitled You Will Be My Witnesses: Gathered and Sent from the Upper Room. Our parish representatives are:
Parishioner | Staff / Council Member |
Gene Bakke | Deacon Bob Bramwell |
Brigid Bechtold | John Comer (Parish & Finance Council) |
Denny Branca | Cole Epping (Youth Faith Formation Director) |
Dwight Ettel | Dean Rademacher (Parish Director) |
Joel Loecken | Fr. Michael Reding (Pastor) |
Rikki Mortl | George Wilson (Parish Council) |
Tim Preimesberger |